Out of control
I'm sitting here with my laptop, trying to figure out what to write, and even where to start. I've been wanting to write something for the last few weeks, to try and formulate how I feel and express the many emotions that have been surfacing. An intensely dark period followed my last post Of determination, dreams and despair . The boundary between being confined by overwhelming illness and the prospect of some improvement is a delicate one. Improvements may appear minor to the outsider - for example being able to get up, take a shower, and make breakfast in one go without becoming breathless, having palpitations, and needing to rest - but for me they are huge. The trap of overdoing things is still real, because being a 'doing' type of person means I automatically fall into my M.O. of going for it, even after all these months. Nowadays, this could mean getting up, taking a shower, making breakfast, and then something else on top - for example walking to...