Silver linings #2 - Friendship

For much of my life I’ve struggled with feeling part of a strong group of friends, and have felt like an outsider for much of it. I have a handful of close friends, dispersed around the world, whose friendship never wanes…but we rarely see each other in person, and as a result we don’t share the day-to-day aspects of life with each other. Having moved around and lived in different countries a few times has meant making new friends in every new place. For someone who hates small talk and being ‘friends’ for the sake of being friends, this is not without its challenges. I need a real connection, so friendship has felt hard to come by. There are some special people out there, you just never know when you’re going to find them. It’s become easier the older I’m getting, truth be told, to find “my” people. Being so seriously ill has helped to unveil to me who my real, steadfast, true friends are. It sounds like a cliché, but it’s true. It's shown me that when people care abou...