Losing My Mind

Over the last few months, one of my neurological symptoms has been degenerating noticeably quickly. It is noticeable - and most distressing - because it involves something that I rely on every day, and which has been my biggest asset throughout my life. My brain. So called "brain fog" is one of the most characteristic features of ME, and distinguishes it from the "chronic fatigue syndrome" that most people have heard about or think ME is. It is literally what it says on the tin: my brain feels foggy, sluggish, dusty, decaying. At the start of 2013 I first noticed that I was finding it harder to concentrate for longer periods of time. Then, it became harder to multitask. Pre-diagnosis, I attributed these things to lots going on in my life. But this year, things are changing rather rapidly. Over the last few months, I've started having more worrying signs. I appear unable to keep doing one task. I get sidetracked completely into doing somethi...