Silver linings #1 - Mindset

Apologies for the hiatus in posting; rather a lot has been happening over the last few months requiring all of my energy. I will be writing about it all. Thank you so very much to all of you who have been in touch in the meantime, offering words of encouragement and support, and thank you also for waiting so patiently for my next blog post. When I was first diagnosed and struggling to come to terms with the sentence of this illness, I never thought I’d be writing about the positive things about becoming ill. I suppose that change in mindset has been exactly that: being so ill can facilitate, or even force, a change in how you think about things, so that the positive and truly important aspects of life become more apparent and visceral, and the unimportant things fall by the wayside, out of immediate focus. Before I was ill, there were many things I worried about on a day to day basis, making me a rather insecure and anxious individual. I worried about other peop...